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О компании — I2Life
Our goal
Help you keep healthy
I2Life products - nutraceuticals, based on natural ingredients with high biological activity, digestibility of more than 90% and no side effects. Since 2000 we have been working on technologies and production of products for health and wellness of the highest quality thanks to extensive research and using the best ingredients.
certified products
scientific research for 2 years
8 000+
issued personal recommendations
47 000
sold biologically active additives
2 000 000
the ability to produce capsules per month
Our mission is to develop the industry of biologically active additives, develop healthy lifestyle products to help people stay healthy and improve the quality of life.
Felix Du
Founder of I2LIFE
Why us?
Biologically active and organic food additives are a source of irreplaceable micro- and macroelements, proteins, amino acids.
We offer an individual product to restore a balanced ration for every day.